We’re proud to serve numerous industries at EnviroTech Custom Injection Molders, and one of the top industries when it comes to the use of our industrial molding is food and food processing. Our filter plates are used across the food and beverage industry for a variety of applications, capable of standing up to both extremely high and extremely low temperatures.

There are a few different materials that might be used for food processing custom injection molding, and each of these must be not only durable, but also non-reactive and inert, plus able to withstand chemical exposure and UV radiation. For this reason, materials for food processing injection molds must meet strict standards – and in the end, you’re left with a handful of materials that make the cut. This two-part blog series will go over the various plastic types that are allowable for food and food processing injection molds, plus some basic info on each of these types.


Short for low-density polyethylene, LDPE is likely the single most flexible option among those used in the food realm. LDPE is highly beneficial for food processing because it’s not only odorless, but also fully non-toxic and resistant to moisture.

On top of this, LDPE resists almost all chemicals and is highly durable, including against direct impact. It can be used in any type of weather, plus is translucent and very easy to process. You’ve almost certainly seen LDPE in food settings before: It tends to be used for items like container lids, condiment bottles, and coatings for various cups or paper cartons. It’s also a material found in shrink wrap and various bag types.


This one is short for high-density polyethylene, which is similar to LDPE but is more rigid and also stiffer. It’s a bit more brittle as well, but is even more common due to its resistance to both chemicals and moisture. Like LDPE, it’s available in translucent coloring – but also in opaque options as well. You’ll see it used for things like beverage containers, cereal box liners and various plastic bag needs.


PET refers to polyethylene terephthalate, a very stable plastic that’s somewhere between the two we went over above in terms of rigidity. PET resists corrosion and microorganisms, plus does not degrade in any way during contact with food – in some cases, it’s even oven-safe and microwavable.

For this reason, it’s regularly used for fabricating packaging that needs to retain its shape under pressure. Plastic beverage bottles are an example, as are jars for peanut butter. You’ll also find various food trays or oven-safe films made from PET.

For more on the various plastic types that can be used for food processing or related injection molding needs, or to learn about any of our plastic injection molding services, speak to the staff at EnviroTech today.